Age: 12
Experience: Meditated on North Pier for 10 minutes
Specialisation: Josh Worms
Another of our Middle Aisle Raiders is Josh. As well as bringing a bag of funnies he also runs the Twitter page and manages the news stories for the Staff Room.
Josh, also known as the ruminator, has the ability to talk about anything, forever. Having grown up in the FY4, Josh was formerly known as The Enigma and collected debts for Rancid Mike, a local hoodlum. If challenged by a small to medium dog, Josh will take to all fours and slowly hypnotise the beast into an early bath and bed.
Josh once joined the circus. He rode a unicycle with a little monkey on his shoulder. The monkey was called Mr Pebbles and the two of them would do laps of the circus ring whilst Josh juggled bananas. Mr Pebbles would grab the bananas one by one and eat them. Serious teamwork. Unfortunately, Mr Pebbles was eaten by another of the zoos animals. Which animal remained undisclosed by the circus although Josh believes it was the Zebra, as that was the ringmasters favourite.
Josh is a Buddhist. So put that in your self development pipe and smoke it.
Josh describes himself as an introvert trapped inside the body of an extrovert, who lives in an introverts kitchen cupboards in extrovert town. He can often be found wandering down his street looking lost in nothing but a bath robe and trainer socks. Whether he has any meaningful interactions on these excursions is yet to be seen.